Since inception in 2012, we have been involved in numerous exploration and feasibility study projects particularly on gold bearing tailings dams and chromitite outcrops in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Our skills and expertise form part of our intellectual property which gives us a competitive advantage over our peers in the industry. This wealth of technical experience has positioned WattPower Minerals to render the following services:-

- Conceptual studies and exploration
- Pre - feasibility & feasibility studies
- Metallurgical and engineering designs
- Mineral processing plant design and construction
- Project and programme management
- Business case evaluations and projects appraisals
- Co-ordination and management of environmental and other regulatory permit application processes.
- Capital funding, sourcing and partnering
- Equipment design and sourcing
- Raw material evaluation and supply
- Exploration and sourcing metallurgical coke & anthracite
- Exploitation of Chromite and Magnesite outcrops